We know your weekends are packed full of barbecues, beach volleyball, and poolside parties, that’s why we’ve got the perfect juice to keep you energized and looking your best through it all.
1 medium beet
2 carrots
1/2 orange
1 medium cucumber
1 lemon
1 inch piece ginger
This juice is excellent to help your skin glow, keep you hydrated, and flush toxins from your system.
Beets are amazing for helping your liver cleanse and restore so that you can detox more efficiently from those jalepeno margaritas you had the night before. They contain copper and zinc, which are essential for a bright complexion. Additionally, they increase blood flow to the brain and improve focus and concentration, helping you make it through the workday without getting distracted and shopping for new swimsuits online.
Carrots and oranges are really high in beta-carotene, a compound that converts to vitamin A, or retinol, in your body. It’s really important for cell strength and regeneration, and works to protect you from harmful rays from the sun from the inside out.
Cucumbers are 96% water and are full of phytonutrients. During the summer days, not being hydrated enough will take a toll on your energy, your skin, and your mental clarity. Cucumbers are also packed with nutrients that support skin elasticity and promote organ health.
Lemons are amazing health powerhouses. For one, they are extremely alkalizing, so they work to neutralize acidity in the system that comes from eating that Dodger dog at the game and then ending your night with s’mores at a beach bonfire (who can resist, honestly). Their vitamin C content strengthens your immune system and helps protect you from sun damage.
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which is great for you internally and externally. Internally, it’ll help ease sore muscles after a long bike ride along the coast and eases the body’s natural inflammatory response to excessive sun exposure. Externally, it reduces swelling and puffiness your complexion. If you’re feeling a little weak after a long weekend in Baja, ginger is great for soothing stomach discomfort and gives you a nice boost of energy.
Photo by: TwoBlueLemons.com
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