Help from our Friends – Partner Yoga

Arezu Kaywanfar

Help from our Friends – Partner Yoga

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Style Ashtanga
Duration 50 mins

If you love to get deeper into your asanas, then this partner class is for you! It is a great way to feel stretched and massaged like never before. Partner Yoga allows you to deepen the impact and experience of a yoga practice. With gentle touch, traction and leverage we are able to open ourselves up to greater depths in our bodies and our psyches. On a deeper level we all yearn for close relationships whether romantic or platonic these partner poses allows you to experience a healthy and beneficial two-way give & take relationship. This class explores the multiple dichotomies within oneself and between a partner, yoga when translated means union- it is the unification between the dualities (such as Yin & Yang or Masculine & Feminine energies). For example one partner may find themselves overly sensitive while the other is so armored that it becomes a challenge to create an authentic connection. This Partner Yoga class facilitates bringing these relational patterns into light and balance. In order to connect with one another, you will naturally remain in the present moment seeing your partner as your mirror, building trust, compassion, intimacy and more…By remaining in the moment you become acutely aware of your own actions (such as unwilling, distrustful, open) along the process!

There are 16 poses, do your best to flow from one to the next staying in each pose or side for up to 6 breaths. Be mindful of you and your partners body limitations, the difference between tension or compression. The class will begin with seated postures and stretches, then transition into standing poses, then back down to relaxing and grounding partner poses. Do your best and enjoy with a little help from your friend 🙂